Hotel Sustainability

We guide you on your sustainability journey

Whether you’re just starting out or further down the path towards sustainability, our sustainability products and services are designed to increase your hotel’s impact for good.

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Developing the Hotels of the Future

Want to develop the hotel of the future? Ensure it’s still relevant in a few years’ time? Attract more guests and the right talent? Realise efficiencies and cost savings? And most importantly – make a positive impact on people and planet? Then creating a sustainable hotel is the answer.

We are firm believers that in order to succeed in the future, your hotel must be a sustainable hotel. Guests are becoming increasingly more conscious of their impact and want to travel more sustainably. In addition to attracting these conscious-minded guests, there are loads of benefits to adopting sustainable practices – from bringing in top talent to saving serious money. That makes sustainability good for people, planet and business too!

What is a sustainable hotel concept?

All of the hotel concepts we create at MAp are sustainable hotel concepts. That means we put sustainability at the heart of the hotel concept and weave it into all of the elements of the hotel concept, using our very own framework for sustainability, titled the 4 Ps of Sustainability (Purpose, People, Planet, Profit). Thus, sustainability becomes a central piece for your hotel brand, your products + services, and your sales + marketing.

What's the definition of sustainability?

While you probably know a decent amount about sustainability, it's okay if you don't know exactly how to define it. The most-used definition of sustainability dates back to 1987 when the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) published the "Our Common Future" report, better known nowadays as the "Brundtland Report." In this report, sustainable development is defined as: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is a sustainable hotel?

A sustainable hotel is a hotel that strives to promote sustainable development through its business practices. While many use it interchangeably with the term “green hotel,” a sustainable hotel takes on a more holistic approach to sustainability – addressing its three core pillars: social sustainability (People), environmental sustainability (Planet) and economic sustainability (Profit).

How can you help my hotel to become more sustainable?

At MAp, we’ve created a framework for sustainability, titled the 4Ps of Sustainability (Purpose, People, Planet, Profit). To make your hotel more sustainable, we’ll work through each P of the framework to understand what you’re already doing, and then recommend action steps to be taken in order to achieve sustainability in that area. We’ll direct you to the right partners who can put those actions to work and track your progress and success along the way. The goal of working together is to help your hotel reach sustainable hotel status through certification.

Why do hotels need to be sustainable?

Not only is sustainability good for People and Planet, it’s good for business too! Here are some benefits to having a sustainable hotel:

  • Gain customer appeal
  • Generate customer loyalty
  • Save costs & realise efficiencies
  • Better navigate turbulent times
  • Attract investment
  • Inspire & benefit stakeholders
  • Create a better future
What are the 4 types of sustainability?

People - Social Sustainability: The impact your hotel has on People, including your guests, employees, partners and local community members. At the cornerstone of social sustainability is protecting human rights, addressing issues that affect your People, and uplifting and empowering them.

Planet - Environmental Sustainability: The impact your hotel has on the Planet, ensuring that you protect the world's ecosystems and conserve natural resources for the health and wellbeing of all - now and in the future.

Profit - Economic Sustainability: The impact your hotel has on economic growth, without negatively impacting the social and environmental aspects of the community – while driving profitability for your hotel.

Purpose: While it’s not officially one of the pillars of sustainability, Purpose stands at the core of MAp’s sustainability framework. The definition is simple: Purpose is the WHY that drives you to do what you do – and love it!

How can you make a hotel more sustainable?

To make your hotel more sustainable, you simply must recognise the importance of sustainability and be committed to improving your hotel's social, environmental and economic impact. The most important step is to start! Keep in mind that progress - not perfection - is key, and small actions can make a big impact. And to help you get started on your sustainability journey, have a look at our handbook collection and free resources.

Sustainability Consulting

We know that independent and boutique hoteliers have the power to create real impact in this world and leave it better off for future generations. But we also know that sustainability can be daunting – especially when it comes to hospitality. With so much information out there, where do you start? With such a complex topic, what’s the correct route for your hotel?

As hotel consultants, we’ll put you on the path to sustainability by MApping out a sustainability strategy suited to your hotel’s needs and objectives - whether that’s approaching sustainability holistically through MAp’s 4 Ps of Sustainability (Purpose, People, Planet, Profit), or focusing on one P to improve your social, environmental or economical impact. We assess your sustainability standing, identify areas of improvement and opportunity, and present you with specific sustainability action steps that you can implement in-house, providing ongoing support and guidance along the way.

Don’t need the whole works? Then check out the Hotel Sustainability Starter Package below or our sustainability books and resources HERE

Hotel Sustainability Starter Package

Confused? Overwhelmed? We show you how to make your hotel more sustainable. As part of the Sustainability Starter Package, we assess your sustainability status quo and empower you with clarity, insights and recommendations to get you started on a sustainable future.

Starting Point:

This service is for boutique and independent hoteliers who are interested in sustainability, but don’t know what they can do to make their hotel more sustainable or where to start.

On the Road

As a start, we get to know your boutique hotel a little better, along with your sustainability goals, pain points and current sustainability initiatives. With this in mind, we craft a tailored roadMAp and sustainability report that presents your top sustainability priorities, and accompany it with guidance and first steps to help you achieve those priorities and your overall goals. Then we wrap it up with a presentation to prepare you for launch!


You gain a clear path forward with regard to sustainability, with the help of a practical action plan to guide your first steps, scorecards to measure your impact, and ongoing insights and support from us to make it all happen.


What's Included:

Questionnaire to get a baseline understanding of where your hotel stands when it comes to sustainability

Call/workshop to introduce you to sustainability, learn more about your needs, and define a roadMAp for our collaboration

Sustainability report featuring tailored priorities, recommendations and other insights

Action plan to guide implementation, addressing WHO is doing WHAT by WHEN

Scorecards to track your sustainability success

Resources list with MAp-vetted organisations, tools and other resources to help you along the way

Ongoing support to give you the power to succeed

